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Imago Certified Courses

Imago Certified Courses are a specialized and comprehensive series of training programs designed to equip professionals in the field of Relationship Counseling or POSH Certification with the tools and knowledge necessary to help couples build deeper connections or work on preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.


Relationship Counsellor Certified Course

The Relationship Counselor Certified Course at Imago is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective counseling and support to couples and individuals facing challenges in their relationships. This comprehensive course delves into various aspects of relationship dynamics, communication, and conflict resolution. It is an essential program for those aspiring to become certified relationship counselors or enhance their existing counseling skills.

Posh Trainer Certified Course

Imago's POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) Trainer Certification Course is a specialized training program designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills required to effectively prevent and address sexual harassment in the workplace. The course typically focuses on empowering trainers to educate employees and employers about the importance of creating a safe and inclusive work environment.

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